We want to thank everyone who came out to the 157th Antigonish Highland Games. We had a successful weekend with large crowds, great entertainment and beautiful weather! We want to thank our many sponsors who played an important role in helping us have the Games, our many volunteers who worked countless hours to help us out, our chairs of events, the Antigonish Highland Society board members and all our competitors who came out to participate! Stay tuned for results, photos and videos soon!
Here is a list of the Antigonish Highland Society executive & board members and the Antigonish Highland Games Committee! Without these individuals, we would not be able to host this great event!
President: Carol Anne MacKenzie
Vice President: Joe MacDonald
Chief of Clans: Bill Fraser
Treasurer: Harley MacCaull
Secretary: Gerardine MacLean
Director: Robert Cochrane
Director: Duncan MacDonald
Director: Paul Boyd
Director: Peter MacKenzie
Director: Darren Thompson
Director: Tyler Mackisoc
Director: Gerarda MacDonald
Games’ Chair: Dave Smith
Operations Manager: Dan Cochrane
Festival Coordinator: Victoria Rankin
Festival Coordinator: Alasdair Cameron
Marketing Coordinator: Megan Fraser
Committee Chairs:
Highland Dance: Krista McKenna
Piping and Drumming: Danny Gillis & Ron Chisholm
Tug-Of-War: Luke MacKinnon
Heavy Events: Matt Doherty
5 Mile Road Race: Kevin Grant
Tìr Nan Òg: Megan Fraser & Victoria Rankin
Concert Under the Stars & Entertainment: Dara Smith-MacDonald
Keppoch Concert: Duncan “D.A.” MacDonald
Antigonish Highland Society Float-Parade: Tyler Mackisoc
President’s Dinner: Gerardine MacLean
Vendors: Shaun Chisholm
Logistics: Robert Cochrane
Hospitality and Accommodations: Anita Larkin-MacDonald
Ceremonies & Protocol: Gerardine MacLean
Grand Street Parade: Janet MacPherson
Bar Operations: Wayne Smith
Clans: Gerardine MacLean
Finance: Harley MacCaull
Special thanks to volunteers, Anne Jamieson, Joanne Smith, and Trista Smith!