As one of the core events of the Antigonish Highland Games, the piping and drumming competitions and the massed bands performances are not to be missed as the sounds of bagpipes and drums fill the air with the sound of our Scottish heritage.
Important Information
Online registration for the 159th Antigonish Highland Games is now closed.
There will be no late registration available online, however late registration will take place on the field. Late registrants can visit the Steward’s tent (after the parade has finished) to register for their selected events. A late fee of $5 (pay at the field) will be charged on top of the regular registration fee. For further information please contact Dan Gillis at dangillis007@gmail.com.
The Order of Play will be available here closer to the date of competition.
159th antigonish highland games – piping & drumming results
Saturday July 13th - Nova Scotia Pipe Band Championship
- 78TH Highlanders (Halifax Citadel) Pipe Band
- Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
- College of Piping Pipe Band
- Nova Scotia Highlanders Pipes and Drums
- 12 Wing Pipes and Drums, Shearwater
- Fredericton Society of St. Andrew
- Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
- College of Piping Pipe Band
Sunday July 14th - Atlantic Pipe Band Championship
- 78TH Highlanders (Halifax Citadel) Pipe Band
- Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
- Nova Scotia Highlanders
- College of Piping Pipe Band
- 12 Wing Pipes and Drums, Shearwater
- College of Piping Pipe Band
- Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
- Fredericton Society of St. Andrew Pipe Band
Solo Piping Results
OPEN PIPER OF THE DAY: SEAN MCKEOWN winner of the R.A.S. Chisholm Buckle
Open March
- Alex Gandy, Dartmouth, 78TH Highlanders (Halifax Citadel) Pipe Band
- Sean McKeown, Ajax, ON, Field Marshall Montgomery Pipe Band
- James MacHattie, Summerside, PEI, College of Piping Pipe Band
Open Strathspey and Reel
- Alex Gandy, Dartmouth, NS
- Bruce Gandy, Dartmouth, 78TH Highlanders (Halifax Citadel) Pipe Band
- Sean McKeown
Open Hornpipe/Jig
- Bruce Gandy, Dartmouth, NS
- Sean McKeown
- Alex Gandy
Open Piobaireachd
- Sean McKeown, Ajax, Ontario
- Bruce Gandy
- Hazel Whyte, South Lanark, Scotland, Royal Burgh of Annan Pipe Band
GRADE 1 PIPER OF THE DAY: GILLIAN BLANEY winner of the Allan B. Beaton Memorial Trophy
Grade 1 March
- Charlie O’Keefe, St. John’s, NL (78TH Highlanders (Halifax Citadel) Pipe Band)
- Jessica Theriault, Eastern Passage, NS (Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums)
- Gillian Blaney, Lower Sackville, NS (Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums)
Grade 1 Strathspey and Reel
- Gillian Blaney
- Charlie O’Keefe
- Reilly Green, Waasis, NB, Fredericton SSAPB
Grade 1 Hornpipe/Jig
- Gillian Blaney
- Jessica Theriault
- Reilly Green
Grade 1 Piobaireachd
- Gillian Blaney
- Jessica Theriault
- Brady Webb, Westville, NS (Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums)
GRADE 2 PIPER OF THE GAMES: CONNEL GIBSON winner of the Gordon MacDonald Trophy
Grade 2 March
- Bill Saul, Charlottetown, PEI, College of Piping Pipe Band
- Conall Gibson, Hunter River, PEI, College of Piping Pipe Band
- Kurtis Bryden, Harbour Centre, Antigonish, NS, College of Piping Pipe Band
Grade 2 Strathspey and Reel
- Calum MacKinnon, Fall River, NS, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
- Kurtis Bryden
- Conall Gibson
Grade 2 Hornpipe/Jig
- Kurtis Bryden
- Bill Saul
- Conall Gibson
Grade 2 Piobaireachd
- Conall Gibson
- Calum MacKinnon
- Doug Hamilton, Dartmouth NS
GRADE 3 PIPER OF THE GAMES: VIVIAN RICHARDSON winner of the Stephen Mingo MemoriaL Trophy
Grade 3 March
- Jamie Bain, Eastern Passage, NS, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
- Vivian Richardson, Halifax, NS, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
- Josh Gregory
Grade 3 Strathspey and Reel
- Owen MacPherson, Dartmouth, NS Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums,
- Michelle Chisholm, Calgary, AL
- Vivian Richardson
Grade 3 Piobaireachd
- Vivian Richardson
- Jamie Bain
- Robyn Morgan, Rusogonis, NB, Fredericton Society of St. Andrew Pipe Band
Grade 3/4/5 Hornpipe/Jig
- Ross Whyte, Bedford, NS, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums,
- Owen Gillis, Halifax, NS, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums,
- Mary Anne Carlos, Moncton, NB Fredericton Society of St. Andrew Pipe Band,
GRADE 4 PIPER OF THE GAMES: RHYS DOHERTY winner of the Alexander “Sandy” Boyd Trophy
Grade 4 March
- Rhys Doherty
- Zachary Campbell, Dartmouth, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums,
- Owen Gillis, Halifax, NS
Grade 4 Strathspey and Reel
- Ian Kellock, Sydney, NS, Cape Breton Island Pipes and Drums
- Mary Anne Carlos
- Zachary Campbell
Grade 1 Piobaireachd
- Rhys Doherty
- Zachary Campbell
- Ian Kellock
GRADE 5 PIPER OF THE GAMES: CALLUM MACLAINE winner of the Robert Worrall Trophy
Grade 5 March
- Camden Wadden
- Callum MacLaine, New Glasgow, PEI, College of Piping Pipe Band
- Jeff Harper
Grade 5 Piobaireachd Ground
- Callum MacLaine
- Camden Wadden
Practice Chanter
- Charlie McKeown
- Emmett Wanamaker
Solo Drumming Results
Grade 1 M/S/R
- Cole Chisholm, Calgary, AL, 12 Wing Pipes and Drums
- Carter Green, Fredericton Society of St. Andrew Pipe Band
- Mikhale MacDonald, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
Grade 1 and 2 Hornpipe/Jig
- Cole Chisholm
- Chris Griffin, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
- Carter Green
Grade 2 M/S/R
- Nick Highmore, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
Grade 3 M/S/R
- Krista MacLellan, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
- Vincent Gallant
Grade 3 Hornpipe/Jig
- Vincent Gallant
- Chris Murray
Grade 4 March
- Chris Murray Sammy MacDougall Trophy for Grade 4 Drummer of the Games
- Cate Harper, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
- Luke Somers
Grade 5
- Nikki Gullet
- Aurora Savoy, Glengarry Pipe Band
Grade 1 and 2 Tenor M/S/R
- Rachael MacDonald, Dartmouth, NS, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
Grade 1 and 2 tenor Hornpipe/Jig
- Erin Nicholson, Ostrea Lake, NS, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
Grade 5 Bass Drum
- Abby Pierce, Dartmouth and District Pipes and Drums
158th antigonish highland games – piping & drumming results
Saturday July 8th - Nova Scotia Pipe Band Championship
Grade 1 March, Strathspey and Reel
1st 78th Highlanders (Halifax Citadel)
Grade 3 March, Strathspey and Reel
1st College of Piping
2nd Fredericton Society of St. Andrew
3rd Cape Breton Island
Grade 4 March medley
1st Dartmouth & District
2nd Cape Breton Island
Grade 5 March
1st Fredericton Society of St. Andrew (Gr5)
2nd College of Piping (Gr5)
3rd Ottawa Caledonia
Sunday July 9th - Atlantic Pipe Band Championship
Grade 1 Medley
1st 78th Highlanders (Halifax Citadel)
Grade 3 Medley
1st College of Piping
2nd Fredericton Society of Saint Andrew)
Grade 4 Medley
1st Dartmouth & District
2nd Cape Breton Island
Grade 5 March Medley
1st College of Piping
2nd Ottawa Caledonian
3rd Dartmouth & District
Solo Piping Results
Open Solo Piping:
- James MacHattie
- Alex Gandy
- Johnathan Simpson
- Bruce Gandy
- Andrea Boyd
- Daniel Lidgren
- Alex Gandy
- Bruce Gandy
- Johnathan Simpson
- James MacHattie
- Andrea Boyd
- Trevor Kellock
Strathspey & Reel:
- Alex Gandy
- Bruce Gandy
- James MacHattie
- Andrea Boyd
- Trevor Kellock
- Daniel Lidgren
- Alex Gandy
- Bruce Gandy
- Andrea Boyd
- James MacHattie
- Johnathan Simpson
- Andrew Rogers
Grade 1 Solo Piping:
- Gillian Blaney
- Laim Murray
- Sass Bergen
- Malcolm James
- Dane Grant
- Cameron Stewart
- Sean Gillis
- Ethan DesChamps
- Cameron MacNeil
- Brady Webb
- Ryan J MacNeil
- Aidan MacNeil
- Ethan DesChamps
- Dane Grant
- Gillian Blaney
- Malcolm James
- Brent Webb
- Cameron Stewart
- Aidan MacNeil
- Sass Bergen
- Cameron MacNeil
- Colton Patterson
- Ryan J MacNeil
Strathspey & Reel:
- Gillian Blaney
- Ethan DesChamps
- Cameron MacNeil
- Laim Murray
- Sass Bergen
- Brady Webb
- Gillian Blaney
- Malcolm James
- Dane Grant
- Cameron Stewart
- Brady Webb
- Colton Patterson
Grade 2 Solo Piping:
- Pamela Newcomb
- Reilly Green
- Bill Saul
- Kurtis Bryden
- Doug Hamilton
- Conall Gibson
- Pamela Newcomb
- Reilly Green
- Clara Aellen
- Doug Hamilton
- Kurtis Bryden
- Angela McDonnell
Strathspey & Reel:
- Pamela Newcomb
- Reilly Green
- Angela McDonell
- Conall Gibson
- Clara Aellen
- Bill Saul
- Kurtis Bryden
- Doug Hamilton
- Michael McNeil
- Reilly Green
- Bill Saul
- Doug Hamilton
- Michael McNeil
- Kurtis Bryden
- Conall Gibson
Grade 3 Solo Piping:
- Grace Kelman
- Noah Grew
- Mael MacNeil
- Andrew Robertson
- Jonathon Kalyn
- Mia MacInnes
Jig 310 a:
1st – Jonathon Kalyn
2nd – Noah Yateman
5th – Mia MacInnes
6th – Josh Gregory
Jig 310 b:
1st – Grace Kelman
2nd – Mael MacNeil
3rd – Andrew Robertson
5th – Noah Grew
8th – Robyn Morgan
Strathspey & Reel:
- Grace Kelman
- Jonathon Kalyn
- Noah Grew
- Andrew Robertson
- Alasdair Ehlers
- Jamie Letourneau
- Grace Kelman
- Noah Grew
- Andrew Robertson
- Alasdair Ehlers
- Jay Hackney
- Elina Richards
Grade 4 Solo Piping:
- Alexandre Schnupp
- Samuel MacIsaac
- Ian Kellock
- Mary Anne Carlos
- Sara Kozub
- Dustin MacEachern
Jig 310 a:
3rd – Ian Kellock
4th – Vivian Richardson
Jig 310 b:
4th – Kellan Harris-Still
9th – Mary Anne Carlos
Strathspey & Reel:
- Vivian Richardson
- Sara Kozub
- William St Peter
- Ian Kellock
- Robert McKay
- Sara Kozub
- Dustin MacEachern
- Ian Kellock
- Vivian Richardson
- Sylvie Arseneau
- Thomas MacKenzie
Grade 5 Solo Piping:
- Eoghan Grant
- Zachary Campbell
- Camden Wadden
- Harrison Craig
- Zachary Campbell
- Harrison Craig
- Camden Wadden
Practice Chanter:
- Christian Newton
- Kylie Kozub
- Jocelyn Kozub
Solo Drumming Results
Open Solo Drumming:
- Ton Cuming
- Ton Cuming
- Ton Cuming
Grade 2 Solo Drumming:
- Carter Green
- Ewan MacNeil
- Carter Green
Grade 3 Solo Drumming:
- Nick Highmore
- Krista McLellan
- Nick Highmore
- Vincent Gallante-Cote
Grade 4 Solo Drumming:
- Owen Yateman
- Jean-Marc Shnupp
- Christopher Murray
- Vincent Gallant-Côté
Grade 5 Solo Drumming:
- Brady McCoy
- Ryan Seigmiller
- Keenan Campbell
- Nikki Gullett
- Lachlan Paulhus
- Alexander St Peter
Open Bass Drum:
- Max St Peter
Grade 5 Tenor:
- Ryan St Peter
- Makayla Seigmuller
- Mary Helene
157th antigonish highland games – piping & drumming results
First prize winners for pipe bands, solo piping & drumming
Nova Scotia Pipe Band Championships – Saturday, July 9
First Prize:
Grade 1: 78th Highlanders Halifax Citadel Pipe Band
Grade 2: No entries
Grade 3: The College of Piping, Summerside, PEI
Grade 4: Dartmouth and District
Grade 5: The College of Piping Grade 5
Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Championships -Sunday, July 10
First Prize:
Grade 1: 78th Highlander Halifax Citadel Pipe Band
Grade 2: No entries
Grade 3: The College of Piping, Summerside, PEI
Grade 4: Dartmouth and District
Grade 5: The College of Piping Grade 5
Solo Piping and Drumming Awards
Professional Piping:
Atlantic Canadian Open Professional Piobaireachd Champion: Andrea Boyd, Ottawa
Open Piper of the Games: Bruce Gandy, Dartmouth
Professional Drumming:
Sam Ramsay, Summerside, PEI
First Place Amateur Piping:
Grade 1 Piping: Adam Tingskou, Fredericton, NB
Grade 2 Piping : Derek Reed, Arkansas, USA
Grade 3 Piping: Reilly Green, Fredericton, NB
Grade 4 Piping: Elina Richards, Halifax, NS
Grade 5 Piping: Ian Kelloch, Sydney, NS
First Place Amateur Drumming:
Grade 1: Austin Trenholm, Summerside, PEI
Grade 2: No entries
Grade 3: Ceana Fleury, Fredericton, NS
Grade 4: Vincent Gallant-Cote, Summerside, PEI
Grade 5: No Entries
full results for solo piping & drumming
Full Piping & Drumming Results:
1st – Alex Gandy
2nd – Bruce Gandy
3rd – Andrea Boyd
4th – James MacHattie
5th – Blaise Theriault
6th – Trevor Kellock
1st – James MacHattie
2nd – Bruce Gandy
3rd – Alex Gandy
4th – Andrea Boyd
5th – Trevor Kellock
6th – Blaise Theriault
Strathspey & Reel:
1st – Alex Gandy
2nd – Bruce Gandy
3rd – James MacHattie
4th – Andrea Boyd
5th – Trevor Kellock
6th – Blaise Theriault
1st – Andrea Boyd
2nd – Bruce Gandy
3rd – Alex Gandy
4th – James MacHattie
5th – Blaise Theriault
6th – Trevor Kellock
Grade 1:
1st – Adam Tingskou
2nd – Liam Murray
3rd – Gillian Blaney
4th – Brady Webb
5th – Ryan J MacNeil
6th – Jessica Theriault
1st – Brady Webb
2nd – Adam Tingskou
3rd – Jessica Theriault
4th – Liam Murray
5th – Cameron Stewart
6th – Sarah Simpson
Strathspey & Reel:
1st – Adam Tingskou
2nd – Gillian Blaney
3rd – Sass Bergen
4th – Karen MacLean
5th – Brady Webb
6th – Liam Murray
1st – Brady Webb
2nd – Gillian Blaney
3rd – Sass Bergen
4th – Adam Tingskou
5th – Jessica Theriault
6th – Sarah Simpson
Grade 2:
1st – Derek Reed
2nd – Cameron MacNeil
3rd – Doug Hamilton
4th – Bill Saul
5th – Brent J Webb
1st – Brent J Webb
2nd – Aidan MacNeil
3rd – Cameron MacNeil
4th – Derek Reed
5th – Angela McDonell
6th – Doug Hamilton
Strathspey & Reel:
1st – Derek Reed
2nd – Aidan MacNeil
3rd – Cameron MacNeil
4th – Brent J Webb
5th – Doug Hamilton
6th – Bill Saul
1st – Derek Reed
2nd – Aidan MacNeil
3rd – Bill Saul
4th – Doug Hamilton
5th – Cameron MacNeil
Grade 3:
1st – Reilly Green
2nd – Jordan Chowen
3rd – Owen MacPherson
4th – Mael MacNeil
5th – Andrew Robertson
Strathspey & Reel:
1st – Owen MacPherson
2nd – Andrew Robertson
3rd – Jordan Chowen
4th – Reilly Green
5th – Mael MacNeil
1st – Reilly Green
2nd – Jordan Chowen
3rd – Owen MacPherson
4th – Carl Brydon
Grade 3,4,5 Jr. Amateur Jig:
1st– Owen MacPherson
2nd – Jay Hackney
3rd – Mael MacNeil
4th – Joshua Gregory
5th – Reilly Green
6th – Jordan Chowen
Grade 4:
1st – Elina Richards
2nd – Mia MacInnes
3rd – Shelena B Marsh
4th – Joshua Gregory
5th – Jay Hackney
6th – Rob Mckay
Strathspey & Reel:
1st – Jay Hackney
1st – Jay Hackney
2nd – Joshua Gregory
3rd – Rob Mckay
55 Piobaireachd Ground:
1st – Ian Kellock
2nd – Shelena B Marsh
Drumming Results:
1st – Sam Ramsay
1st – Sam Ramsay
Grade 1:
1st – Austin Trenholm
2nd – Chris Griffin
1st – Austin Trenholm
Grade 3:
1st – Carter Green
2nd – Ceana Fleury
3rd – Nick Highmore
4th – Ewan MacNeil
1st – Ceana Fleury
2nd – Ewan MacNeil
3rd – Carter Green
Grade 4:
1st – Vincent Gallant Côté
Grade 5:
1st – Ciaran McDonald